Friday, December 11, 2015

Syrian Refugees

     Nicole Arnold posted an editorial to her blog on Tuesday, November 24th discussing the U.S. bringing in Syrian refugees. She mentioned how since America is known as "the land of the free", we shouldn't deny others the chance for freedom and how the thought of innocent children, women and men losing their lives because they aren't getting the help that they need is sickening. I definitely agree with Nicole on the matter. I think that we should all have a little moire compassion towards these people and do everything we can to help.
     The post discusses how the government and it's officials should be more involved in the process of helping refugees. This is true because the government probably has the most power and resources to contribute. The argument that letting in refugees is equivalent to welcoming terrorists into our country is completely ridiculous. The fact that these people are coming from Syria does not mean that they pose an immediate threat to our country. For that reason, I agree with Nicole and believe that it is just an excuse. American's should stop being so selfish and start thinking about the difference that we could make if we put more effort into helping the refugees.

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